It is understandable that those of us who have long hair will find it hard to part with any of it, regardless of how little. However, it is important to note that regular trimming is needed if you are to keep your hair healthy. Dry and split ends are very common in long hair as sebum produced at the scalp seldom reaches the ends of the hair. Also, most of us lack enough nutrients in our diet to nourish both our body and hair. Thus, these split ends must be cut away to prevent further splitting along the hair.

I would recommend a visit to the hair salon every 3 months or so. If your hair is rather healthy, you could probably drag that to 5 months instead. Trimming your hair can also make it appear neater and have a more defined shape, thus causing you to look more well groomed.

Many of us have heard horror stories where a lady enters a salon with knee-length hair and leaves with a bob. To prevent such scenarios, here are some pointers:

1. Specify your desire to only TRIM and not CUT (better yet specify the length you want to trim, e.g. 1 inch)
2. Bring a friend with you so that she can help you monitor the trimming process (stylists usually cut shorter than you want because they think they know what's best and you can't see what they are doing anyway. Your friend will be able to pressurize the stylist into not over-cutting)
3. State clearly that if too much of your precious hair is lost, you will refuse to pay and never come back again (maybe use this as a last resort as you might get thrown out of the salon)
4. Periodically remind your stylist not to cut off too much
5. Observe the length of hair falling to the ground. If it looks scarily long, remind your stylist that you only want a trim.


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