You're tired of your current hair parting, and decide to change it, for example from a center part to a side part. So, you grab your comb and comb out a nice side part, holding the parted hair down. Satisfied with your new part, you release your hand, and to your horror, the hair poofs up and flops back to its original position.

At one point or another, you may experience the scenario above. Having kept your hair parted in a certain way for years, you feel that its time for a fresh look, but how do you go about changing a stubborn part? Here are some tips to aid you in your quest for a new hair part:

1. It is easier to restyle your hair when it is wet. Thus, after washing hair, carefully comb out the new part and blow dry your new style. Do this for 1-2 washings and your hair should naturally fall into its new part thereafter. More stubborn parts may need to repeat a few more times.

2. For those who do not like to blow dry their hair, pin hair down after combing into the new part, and leave to air-dry. As with the blow-drying method, you may have to repeat a few times for the part to stay.

3. To change part without having to wash hair, comb into new part, dampen hair with some water, and pin into place. Alternatively, use a leave-in conditioner instead of water. However, this method may take longer for your hair to recognise its new part.

Note that those with thinner hair are likely to be able to change their part more easily, and those with thicker hair may face more difficulties. This is because thicker hair means there is more hair to "flip over". Also, drastic changes to your hair part, for example, from a center part to a deep side part, may require more patience.


Anonymous said...

Really really really helpful after so much trying now i know the correct way to do it thank you

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